The eventual rise of autonomous cars has been a hot topic for years. Tech giants like Google, Tesla and Apple are in a race to be first out of the gate with a self-driving vehicle that will supposedly revolutionize personal transportation.
A look at automation in the heavy equipment and transportation sectors
Not getting as much attention by the mainstream media is how automation will change industries that rely on heavy equipment and trucks. OEMs like Caterpillar, Komatsu, and more are in their nascent stages of introducing heavy equipment machines and freight trucks that feature automation, with promises of more efficiency, as well as a possible solution to easing labor shortages. In other words, robots are on their way.
We’ve rounded up five autonomous machine to watch out for. These could be your next co-worker!
Autonomous Caterpillar mining trucks
The mining industry is ripe for autonomous disruption due its isolated work environments and repetitive tasks. Caterpillar mining machines like rock trucks can be outfitted with an automation suite called Cat MineStar Command, which can provide the fully integrated operation of autonomous, semi-autonomous and remotely controlled mining systems. Cat hopes to completely automate the mining process in the future.
Komatsu autonomous water truck
Komatsu says it is continuing to drive towards autonomy in the name of safety and is now trialing a water truck. The HD785-based autonomous water truck, which could be commercially available in 2022 for companies in the minding industry, is based on the Japanese OEM’s Autonomous Haulage System. That proprietary tech controls the truck’s movement and water disbursement via the same platform.

John Deere autonomous 8R tractor
This year John Deere revealed a fully autonomous tractor ready for large-scale production. It combines the John Deere 8R tractor with a GPS guidance system and a TruSet-enabled chisel plow, plus other new technologies. Like other OEMs, the ag giant is positioning autonomous machines as a solution for dwindling labor availability, as well as a need to increase food production due to an ever-increasing population. The tractor could be available for purchase in late 2022.
Volvo autonomous VNL truck tractor
Volvo is gearing up to sell an autonomous long-haul truck, marking a big step in launching a fully autonomous Class 8 truck commercially in North America. The Swedish manufacturer partnered with tech company Aurora to create a prototype of Volvo’s flagship VNL model. Volvo says it is creating this truck to address safety and sustainability.
TuSimple autonomous trucking
With labor shortages hitting the truck industry especially hard, you have to think self-driving truck tractors will be in demand sooner rather than later. TuSimple is a company promising to have its autonomous truck in operation by 2024. This truck will be considered “Level 4” autonomous (Level 5 is the highest), which means basically that it can go from terminal to terminal as long as it’s situated around an interstate exit.

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